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Excel Conditional Formatting Highlight Cells Rules

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Excel Conditional Formatting Highlight Cells Rules help you highlight the most important information in your spreadsheets and spot variances of cell values with a quick glance.

Excel conditional formatting is a really powerful feature when it comes to applying different formats to data that meets certain conditions. If you are new to conditional formatting in excel refer our article on Conditional Formatting in Excel – Full Stack Tutorials Hub .

How to open conditional formatting Highlight Cells Rules?

Open the Conditional Formatting dialogue box (Homeโ€“> Conditional Formattingโ€“> Highlight Cells Rules.

Excel Conditional Formatting Highlight Cells Rules

There are 7 types of conditional formatting available:

1. Highlight Cells RulesGreater Thanโ€ฆ

In the example, there are Sales values given of each person. If we have to find out who have done the sales above 70 units, following is the process:

  • First : Select the range of Profit values C4:F16
  • Second : Click on the Conditional Formatting icon in the ribbon, from the Home.
  • Third : Click on Highlight Cells Rules. New drop-down menu will open.
  • Forth : Click on the “Greater Than..” icon. The New Dialog box will open.
  • Fifth : Edit the value in Format cells that are GREATER THAN. Eg. 70
  • Sixth : Select the highlighting color theme as per requirement. Eg. Light Red Fill with Red Text
    • There are 6 fixed themes Eg. Light Red Fill with Red Text / Yellow fill with Dark Yellow Text & we can also custom format the theme.
  • Seventh : Click on OK.
  • Result : All Sales Quantity above 70 are highlighted in Light Red fill with Red text

2. Highlight Cells RulesLess Thanโ€ฆ

  • First – Third step will remain same as above.
  • Forth : Click on the “Less Than..” icon. The New Dialog box will open.
  • Fifth : Edit the value in Format cells that are LESS THAN. Eg. 30
  • Sixth – Seventh Step will be same.
  • Result : All Sales Quantity below 30 are highlighted in Yellow fill with Dark Yellow text

3. Highlight Cells Rules – Between…

  • First – Third step will remain same as above.
  • Forth : Click on the “Between…” icon. The New Dialog box will open.
  • Fifth : Edit the value in Format cells that are BETWEEN. Eg. 31-70
  • Sixth – Seventh Step will be same.
  • Result : All Sales Quantity between 31 – 70 are highlighted in Light Green fill with Dark Green text

4.Highlight Cells Rules – Equal To…

  • First – Third step will remain same as above.
  • Forth : Click on the “Equal To …” icon. The New Dialog box will open.
  • Fifth : Edit the value in Format cells that are EQUAL TO Eg. 55
  • Sixth – Seventh Step will be same.
  • Result : All Sales Quantity Equal to 55 are highlighted in Light Red fill with Dark Red text

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