Home / SQL / SQL UPDATE Query


Last updated on May 11th, 2023

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes


The update statement in SQL is used to update one or more records in Database tables. Update is a DML query. It is commonly used with WHERE clause.

Update specific records based on WHERE condition.

UPDATE tablename
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, column2 = value3 ...
WHERE condition;

Update all records with specified value.

UPDATE tablename
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, column2 = value3 ...

Database Query Example

If you are new to SQL refer this article. SQL SELECT Statement – Full Stack Tutorials Hub

Select all records from Employee table.

select * from Employee
select table

Update FirstName to “Suresh” where EmployeeId is 4

UPDATE Employee
SET FirstName='Suresh'
WHERE EmployeeId=4;

The output of update values will display number of affected rows. Since only 1 row is updated ,it would display 1 row affected.

Execute select query to display new values.

select table

Update City=New Mumbai for all employees

The output of update values will display number of affected rows. Since all employees are updated with new value, it would display 4 rows affected.

Execute select query to display new values.

Note: Be very careful to check where condition before executing update query.

UPDATE Employee
SET City='New Mumbai'
select table
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