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Create Tool Website using CHATGPT

Last updated on May 25th, 2023

In this tutorial you will learn to create Tool Website using CHATGPT 4 and host it using Bluehost. You will require zero coding knowledge.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

What’s new in CHATGPT 4

GPT-4 is a new language model created by OpenAI that can generate text that is similar to human speech. It advances the technology used by ChatGPT, which is currently based on GPT-3.5. GPT is the acronym for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a deep learning technology that uses artificial neural networks to write like a human.

According to OpenAI, this next-generation language model is more advanced in three key areas: creativity, visual input, and longer context. 

ChatGPT is available for use in free or paid version. In this tutorial we will use ChatGPT free version.

Sign up for an OpenAI account

To use ChatGPT you’ll need two things: an OpenAI account and a web browser. It works on most popular browsers from Chrome to Edge and you can even use it on your phone’s mobile browser.

Navigate to GPT-4 (openai.com) and click on Login Button.

Chatgbt AI

Select ChatGPT and you will be redirected to sign up page.

sign up

Enter your Gmail account details and complete the sign-up details.

Congrats! You have an OpenAI account to use ChatGPT. Now you just need to accept the ChatGPT terms and conditions. Read the message that pops up and then select Next. Then, read the second message about data collection and privacy and select Next. Finally, read the third message asking for feedback, then select Done.

After successfully logging in you will be redirected to ChatGPT homepage.

Now you’re all set up to use ChatGPT. Type in a question in the chat box at the bottom to get started. Select New chat in the top left at any time to begin a new conversation. 

And if ChatGPT isn’t working for you that could just be down to too many users trying to use the platform at once, refresh the webpage and then try again and it usually will work

Create Tools Website using CHATGPT 4 command prompt

In CHATGPT command prompt enter the below command.

create age calculator with months,days and hours using html,css ,javascript and bootstrap 

ChatGPT will generate HTML, CSS and JavaScript files. This tools website uses bootstrap framework.

Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection for creating responsive websites and web applications.

Visit https://codepen.io/ and enter code generated by ChatGPT and test your application functionality.

Create Tools Website interface

Age calculator tool is now ready for use.

Select Date of Birth and it will display current age in Years,Months,Days,Hours format.

Tool website output

Entire source can be found here fullstacktutorialshub/ToolsWebsite: Ready to use code for creating Tools website (github.com) .

Host Tools Website on Blue Host

Bluehost offers variety of hosting plans that caters your website hosting needs. Click on the button below to check out hosting plans.

blue host plans

Select a plan that fits your needs. If you are new to blogging, you can select basic plan for 6 months or 1 year duration. Once hosting plan is finalized next important task is to create new domain for your tool website.

domain register

Enter your prefer domain name. Select domain name relevant to your tool website. This will help your website to rank faster in google search.

Enter payment details and you are set to host your tools website.

Payment details

Once payment is successful you will receive all the required details on the registered email id.

The best way to upload your website is via FTP. This can be done in a number of different ways using many different FTP clients. Every client needs 4 things:

  1. Domain name or IP Address: Will be used in the “Server or Host” field.
  2. Username: Same as cPanel or the FTP account created.
  3. Password: The password you set up to go with the cPanel or FTP username.
  4. Port: Port 21.

Note: The Main Domain, Username, and IP Address can be found in the General Information section, on the right-hand side, of your control panel by opening the Advanced tab from the side navigation to the left. The password is the same as your control panel password.

How To Setup FTP Using FileZilla 

Among the various free FTP programs available to download on the internet for Mac OS X, Windows, or Linux, Bluehost recommends FileZilla. It can be downloaded free of charge from http://www.filezilla-project.org.

What You Need 

  1. A Bluehost hosting account. 
  2. FileZilla installed and running on your computer. 
  3. Your FTP username and password
  4. A domain that points to your Bluehost hosting account or your server’s IP address

FileZilla Site Manager

1.To create a connection in FileZilla, you will need to use the Site Manager.

File Zilla Manager

2.Click the New Site button.

new site

3.Enter a name for the new site.

site name

4.Enter the following settings:

  • Host: Your Domain Name or server IP address.
  • Port: 21
  • Protocol: FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • Encryption: Use plain FTP
  • Logon Type: Ask for Password
  • User: Your control panel username or the username of an FTP accountNote: 

5.Click the Transfer Settings tab. Then select the Limit number of simultaneous connections checkbox and set the limit to 8.


6.Click the Connect button.

7.You will be prompted for your password; enter it, and click OK.

Once you click connect, it should connect to the server and allow you to download and upload files by dragging and dropping files and folders between the local and remote site sections. (Only index.html needs to be copied)

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